Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Algebra 2

Instructor: Mr. Maciolek            Contact Time: 8:12-8:53         Phone Ext: 1325


Grading Policy
Grading Categories:
Tests and Quizzes 80% (Tests count twice as much as quizzes)
Homework 20%

Blue or Black pens and pencils
Access to a graphing calculator (Either a physical one or an App)

If the pandemic worsens and we once again begin working virtually, students will only need their laptops. Students may want to get a stylus to help with writing on their touch screens. Instruction will be delivered predominantly through Microsoft Teams and Schoology.

Attendance: It is important that students attend class on a consistent basis due to the challenging material in this course. Students are required to be in class on time. (This is also true if we go virtual once again. There were connectivity issues at the beginning of this virtual process last year but it is expected that students be ready and more familiar with the process this year.)
Attendance will be taken every class. I encourage all students to stop in before school and ask any questions about the class notes, the homework, past quizzes, or review for the next quiz or test.



Homework Policy
Homework Policy:
Homework is checked on a regular basis. Students must show all work on homework assignments to receive full credit. Homework will either be given 1 point for satisfactory completion or 0 for not done, not completed, or haphazardly completed. The homework grade is determined by totaling the student's points and then dividing by the maximum possible points. For example, if there are 20 assignments and the students completed 15 of them, then their homework average would be 15/20 x 100 for a 75 homework average. At Tech we expect the homework average to be near 100%.
*Note: Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero. Extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration on an individual basis. Also, each homework has a due date and once homework has been gone over in class it can no longer be submitted for a grade due to the fact that the answers have been given. This means that it is imperative for students to get their homework completed on time or they will receive a zero for the assignment.



Test Policy
Test Policy:
Tests will consist of problems similar to those given on previous tests, previous quizzes, homework assignments, and class problems. Absence prior to a test does not excuse the student from taking the test. If a student is absent for a test, they must take the test upon his/her return to school. (Note: The student is also responsible to get classwork missed during the absence.) If a student is absent for an extended time before a test, the student will need to meet with me regarding make-up work and a make-up assessment.
*Note: Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero. Extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration on an individual basis.



Quiz Policy
Quiz Policy:
Quizzes will consist of problems like those on previous quizzes, homework assignments, and class problems. Absence prior to a quiz does not excuse the student from taking the quiz. If a student is absent for a quiz, they must take the quiz upon his/her return to school. (Note: The student is also responsible to get classwork missed while absent.) If a student is absent for an extended time before a quiz, the student will need to meet with me regarding make-up work and a make-up assessment.
Note: Unexcused absences will result in a grade of zero. Extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration on an individual basis.




Course Outline
Course Description: Algebra 2 is the capstone course for the three units of credit and Regents exams required for an Advanced Regents diploma. This course is a continuation and extension of Algebra 1 and Geometry. Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions and continue to expand and hone their abilities to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the proper logarithms. All students will take the Algebra 2 exam in June.
Below is a general outline of units of study that an Algebra 2 student will learn in this Regents-level course. The topics are not necessarily in order:
1. Number Systems & Polynomials
2. Exponents and Rational Functions
3. Irrationals and Radicals
4. Complex Numbers
5. Linear Systems and Equations
6. Quadratic Systems & Conic Sections
7. Functions
8. Exponentials & Logarithms
9. Trigonometry
10. Transformations & Functions
11. Sequences & Series
12. Statistics & Inference
13. Set Theory & Probability
14. Regression

Course Outline: This is an outline of the pacing and is an approximation of instruction and is subject to change. Examples being, a change to hybrid teaching, a change to a full learning schedule, snow days, sickness, and unforeseen instances.
Quarter 1
(September 8th – November 12th)
Week 1
9/8 to 9/10 – Introduction to technology
Week 2
9/13 – 9/17 – Unit 1 Lesson 1 - Variable, Terms and Expressions.

Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Solving Linear Equations

Week 3
9/20 – 9/24 - Unit 1 Lesson 3 – Common Algebraic Expressions

Unit 1 Lesson 4 – Properties of Powers

Unit 1 Lesson 5 – Multiplying Polynomials
Quiz #1

Week 4
9/27 – 10/1 – Unit 6 Lesson 5 – Basic Factoring

Unit 6 Lesson 5 – Factoring by Grouping

Week 5
10/4 – 10/8 – Unit 6 Lesson 8 – Completing the Square and More Factoring
Quiz #2
Week 6
10/12 –10/15 – Unit 6 Lesson 11 – Parabola and Directrix

Unit 6 Lesson 8 – Parabola & Directrix (Vertex Form)
Week 7
10/18 – 10/22 – Unit 8 Lesson 1 – Square Root Functions

Unit 8 Lesson 2 – Solving Square Root Equations
Quiz #3

Week 8
10/25 – 10/29 – Unit 8 Lesson 2- Quadratic Formula
Unit 8 Lesson 4 - Radicals Simplified
Week 9
11/1 – 11/5 - Unit 9 Lesson 1 – Imaginary Numbers
Review for Test #1
Week 10
11/8 – 11/12 –
Test #1
Unit 10 Lesson 10 – Polynomial Long Division
Unit 10 Lesson 10 _ Polynomial Long Division Done Synthetically

Quarter 2
(November 11th – January 24th)
Week 11
11/15 – 11/19 M1: Lesson 33-34 & M2: Lesson 1