Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Environmental Science

Instructor: Kelly O`Neill            Contact Time: 9:42-10:23 or 1:57-2:40         Phone Ext: 1437


Grading Policy
Communication – students should message me through Schoology with any questions or concerns. I am also on Teams from 8am-2:30, students may log in during their class time on asynchronous days for help.

All students are expected to monitor and complete ALL assignments in Schoology and to monitor their grades in Infinite Campus. Students are expected to do their own, best work and ask questions to be successful.

• Tests/quizzes/projects:55%
• Assignments:30%
• Contribution to Virtual Learning:15%

Effort is always noted and always counts!



Homework Policy
In the virtual environment, everything is homework.

There will be assignments on asynchronous days. These will be labelled on Schoology with the date and students are expected to complete the assignment on the day that it is due. Assignment grades will be reduced 10% per day lateafter a one day grace period.

You are expected to participate in online learning. You may be asked a question individually which you may answer aloud or type a response in the chat. If there is a group question for all to answer, you must either raise your hand to answer aloud or type a response in chat. Daily contributions to synchronous classes will be recorded and graded.



Test Policy
Tests and quizzes will be announced at least a week in advance. Class notes will be allowed to support students during tests so be sure to keep an organized notebook either on paper or digitally with OneNote on Schoology.




There will be individual and collaborative projects involving research, writing, and presentations to the class. Sufficient time and support will be given for all students to achieve success.



Course Outline
Environmental science is the study of the interaction of humans with the natural environment

Three-ring binder, a pen or pencil, loose leaf paper, and a highlighter

Environmental science is a course devoted to integrating our understanding of biological, physical, and social sciences through the study of environmental interactions. We will also build skills of reading and writing in the sciences for college and career readiness.


Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Scientific Principles
Unit 3: Matter and Energy
Unit 4: Evolution and Ecology
Unit 5: Land Biomes
Unit 6: Aquatic Ecosystems
Unit 7: Human Population and Impact
Unit 8: Global Climate Change
*Selected topics in agriculture, energy sources, and pollution