Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Regents Chemistry Laboratory

Instructor: Gordon Maccalum            Contact Time: 9:42-10:23 or 1:57-2:40         Phone Ext: 1410


Grading Policy
Lab does not receive a typical numeric grade and does not affect your overall average. Instead, lab is a “entry ticket” for the regents exam. You must complete 1200 minutes of lab time to be eligible to take the regents exam. Every quarter you must complete an average of 300 lab minutes. I will translate your lab work into lab minutes (usually about 80 minutes per lab activity) and notify you of completing your requirement in progress reports/ report cards or at your request. If you have met your requirement in a marking period, you will receive an “S” otherwise you will receive a “U” and a list of incomplete assignments. Late lab work may be made up, but may require you to schedule time with me after school.

Lab Grades will be averaged into your Chemistry Course grade.



Homework Policy
There is no homework for lab. Labs must be completed by assigned due date to receive full credit.



Test Policy
There are no tests in lab.



Quiz Policy
There are no quizzes in lab



Labs can be considered as mini-projects.



Course Outline
Chemistry is the study of matter at its most simple level and how it can change. This course will offer students a fundamental understanding of the world around, and them to give them a background to deal with the complex problems of the world today. Development of reasoning skills and problem-solving strategies will benefit all students in further science coursework and other aspects of their lives. Student success of course material will prepare students for their end of the year Regents Exam and for introductory college chemistry. This course includes a laboratory portion that will have opportunities for students to use hands-on science techniques. The class will meet every day and lab will meet A-C or D-F days.

Lab completion is necessary for eligibility for your regents exam. If you do not meet your lab requirement of 1200 minutes, you will be unable to take the chemistry regents exam, even if you pass the class. In the event that there is no regent exam this year, earning your lab requirement would be transferable and allow you to be eligible to take the regent exam in the following year for advanced regent diploma or if you do not complete chemistry class.

1st Quarter tentative lab schedule
Lab 1 Equipment
Lab 2 Density
Lab 3 Isotopes
Lab 4 Metal vs Nonmental
Lab 5 Chemical Formulas
Lab 6 Ionic vs covalent
Lab 7 Modeling