Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: English 4

Instructor: Ms. Ward            Contact Time: 10:27-11:08         Phone Ext: 1508


Grading Policy

Class Participation and Oral Presentations 30%
Essays 30%
Homework, Quizzes, Tests, and Tasks 40%



Homework Policy
Homework Policy

Homework must be complete and submitted on the assigned due date. A student who was absent on the day the homework was assigned, will be expected to submit the assignment one day after his/her return.



Test Policy
Test Policy

Students will be tested periodically. Class review usually takes place one to three days prior to the actual test. Students have two days to make up a test. Students may not use class time to make up a test. All students must make arrangements to meet with me before or after school.

Note: Frequent unexcused absenteeism is unacceptable. In such cases, a student will be required to submit a written excuse. All legal excuses must reflect the day the test was given.



Quiz Policy
Quiz Policy

Quizzes will be given frequently. Students have two days to make up a missed quiz. Students may not use class time to make up a quiz. All students must make arrangements to meet with me before or after school.

Note: Frequent unexcused absenteeism is unacceptable. In such cases, a student will be required to submit a written excuse. All legal excuses must reflect the day the quiz was given.



Group projects will be assigned after every unit. Students must complete their assigned task. No student will be penalized for other group members who are absent or unprepared.



Course Outline
Course Outline: In this course we will explore common themes in literature and text that promote critical thinking, writing, and speaking. In order to enhance these skills, students are required to keep a daily journal and complete assigned classwork and homework. In addition to classwork and homework, the students will be assessed through a number of quizzes, tests, essays, class participation, research paper, and a senior project.

Required Materials: All students must be prepared with a charged laptop. Please be sure to power off at night and to sign into Office 365 in the morning.
Student Commitment:
● To arrive to class on time and to be prepared with the
required materials and assignments.
● To notify the teacher of problems immediately.
● To be willing to learn and to put forth his or her
best effort.

Remote Learning:

All students are expected to attend every class. On synchronous days, we will meet the entire class period. On asynchronous days, the students will check in and leave. Those students who may need help will receive assistance on asynchronous days.

Code of Ethics: Students must understand that published works are protected by law. No student is allowed to plagiarize the work of another, published or unpublished. Any student who fails to give credit to an author is in violation of the Buffalo Public Schools’ code of ethics. Students who choose to plagiarize will receive a failing grade.

Plagiarism is to commit literary theft; to steal and pass off as one’s own ideas or words that are someone else's. When you use someone else’s words, you must put quotation marks around them and give the writer or speaker credit by citing the source. Even if you revise or paraphrase the words of someone else, if you use someone else’s ideas you must give the author credit. Ideas belong to those who create and articulate them. To use someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit to the originator is stealing.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying or giving an assignment to a student to be copied (unless explicitly permitted by the teacher). Cheating also includes using, supplying, or communicating in any way unauthorized materials, including textbooks, calculators, computers or other unauthorized technology, during an exam or project.

Homework Policy
Homework must be complete and submitted on the assigned due date. A student who was absent on the day the homework was assigned, will be expected to submit the assignment one day after his/her return.

Class Participation, Projects, and Oral Presentations:

Class participation is a mandatory and vital part of the objectives for the NYS Learning Standards for ELA. The ability to voice your opinion is just as valuable as written expression.

Projects and Oral presentations are also mandatory. The guidelines and the rubric will be explained and posted for every student.

September-October- Student Information Cards, College Essay and Related Tasks.

October-December-The Autobiography of Malcolm X and Related Tasks.

January-February- The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and Related Tasks.

February-March Research Paper and Related Tasks

March-April- A Raisin in the Sun and Related Tasks

April-May-Senior Project TBA

May-June- A Streetcar Named Desire and Related Tasks.