Hutchinson Central Technical High School
Course Syllabus
Course Name: Italian II & III
Instructor: Mr. LoJacono Contact Time: 11:42-12:23 or 1:12-1:53 Phone Ext: 1420
Grading Policy
Students' averages are based on scores on tests, quizzes, projects and notebooks (60%). Homework and Journal writing will also make up 30% of overall average. All students will receive a quarterly grade for class participation (10%).
Homework Policy
Homework is generally given Monday through Thursday and not on weekends. It is always checked and reviewed in the very next class. Homework is not accepted LATE except for absence from class. The absent student is then upon return required to make up the missed assignment.
Test Policy
Tests are given usually once a week. Missed tests must be made up within two days of return. Formats vary on tests including exercises in the various aspects of language comprehension (reading, writing, listening & speaking. Students are aware of tests one week prior to assessment.
Quiz Policy
Generally quizzes are given at least once a week. They may vary in format: speaking, listening, reading & writing. Missed quizzes must be made up within two days of returning to school.
Generally one project is given per marking period with the exception of Level IV in which projects are what will constitute the grade per marking period. An average of three per quarter in Level IV is to be expected.
Course Outline
All language courses (Italian) will cover the basic four competencies in language learning, varying in degree to the specific level. Listening, reading, writing and speaking are all emphasized and worked on daily through a variety of activities.