Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Biology Lab

Instructor: Ms. Jakubowicz            Contact Time: 10:27-11:08         Phone Ext: 1410


Grading Policy
Grades are based upon labs completed during the school year. Students are expected to participate in every lab and complete lab reports satisfactorily. A final average of 65 is necessary to pass Biology Lab. There are 4 labs that are required by NYS Board of Regents. Students must complete these and receive a passing grade on them.



Homework Policy
Homework assigned in lab must be completed by the student and returned to the lab report box outside room 410. Student must turn in labs one day prior to their 1st day in lab of the next cycle. Labs will not be accepted late.



Test Policy
There is no final exam in Biology Lab. Students must satisfactorily complete the lab to ba able to take their final exam in Biology Regents class.



Quiz Policy
Quizzes are very infrequent. Time in lab is used for lab activities.




Course Outline
Lab activities:
Measurment Lab
Microscope Lab
Cheek and onion Cells
Comparing Protista
Osmosis and Diffusion
Dichotomous Keys
Nutrient Indicators
Blood Cells
Simulation of the Sporead of an infectious Disease
NYS Labs 1,2,3,4
DNA extraction
DNA gel electrophoresis