Hutchinson Central Technical High School

Course Syllabus


Course Name: Technology

Instructor: Mr. Gattie            Contact Time: 11:12-11:53         Phone Ext: 1214


Grading Policy
40% effort and attitude in class
30%projects in class
20% unit tests and quizzes



Homework Policy
Homework will be given as needed to supplement the classroom assignments



Test Policy
A test will be given at the completion of each unit.



Quiz Policy
quiz every “A” day
If you are absent, make-ups need to completed within 24 hours.



All projects are to be completed in the allotted lab time.



Course Outline
This course is designed to help students enter the world of work. We will focus on life skills that will prepare the students for what an employer will expect of them. The students will use hands-on experience in building projects that encompass various trade areas (examples include architectural, mechanical and electrical themes).